Toulouse, France

Kitty Sabatier

Kitty Sabatier lives and works in the south of France, where she was born and raised. After graduating from the Beaux-Arts School of Toulouse, Kitty worked in Paris as a graphic designer for the publishing and communications industry.

Sabatier’s practice of calligraphy and drawing feeds her fascination for lines of every kind. She is particularly preoccupied with connecting lines; exploring the process of tracing, building, and breaking down shapes and lines; and creating emptiness through fullness.

Currently, Kitty teaches calligraphy and typographic drawing. She also freelances as a graphic designer, and regularly shows her works at exhibitions.

What is your favorite or most inspirational place?

Answer: By the Mediterranean Sea in the late afternoon.

What is your most important artist tool?

Answer: Paper, paper, and paper again.

What kind of physical activity do you like doing?

Answer: Walking for hours.

How has your work changed over the years?

Answer: Saying to myself that I haven’t arrived yet.
